Climate action and environmental protection Vision

Climate change demands immediate action across all sectors and areas of government, in order to reduce emissions and increase Manitoba’s ability to adapt and protect each of us, our neighbours and our communities. A Better Manitoba protects the remaining natural lands that support biodiversity and traditional livelihoods for Indigenous communities. Manitoba can become a world leader in transformative change with green tech and green buildings.


  • Support climate mitigation and adaptation in buildings through: legislating the adoption of Tier 3 of the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB); banning fossil gas in all new builds; creating a workforce development plan to train workers in low-carbon building.
  • Introduce property-assessed clean energy (PACE) loans and related incentives to provide accessible and affordable household energy efficiency. Programs that are specifically targeted to low-income households and remote and northern communities must also be developed, with no upfront investment required.
  • Correct Efficiency Manitoba’s mandate to include GHG reductions, transform it into a crown corporation that can support and incentivize an equitable transition off fossil fuels.
  • Increase funding for energy efficient retrofits.
  • Return a portion of land to Indigenous peoples in Manitoba per year, to advance decolonization and enable Indigenous stewardship. Take guidance from Indigenous land stewards.
  • Make public transit free for everyone, and expand transit services and inter-city transit.
  • Develop a carbon tax program to use the revenue in Manitoba
  • Expand investments in renewable energy: geothermal, solar, wind and energy
    storage systems.

Organizations with more information

Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition
Manitoba Eco-Network
Climate Change Connection
Sustainable Building Manitoba
Climate Action Team

Minister(s) Responsible

Minister of Environment and Climate
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure
Minister of Economic Development Investment and Trade