Indigenous Rights and Reconciliation Vision

Manitoba is located on territory governed by Treaties 1,2,3,4 and 5. There can be no justice or peace until our provincial government fully enacts the Truth and Reconciliation calls to action and respects Indigenous jurisdiction. Keep Indigenous children with their families and communities by offering support and resources. Obtain fully informed and prior consent prior to using Indigenous land for project development. Support ways for each person in Manitoba to be a part of reconciliation.


  • Work with Indigenous governments in Manitoba to develop a nation-to-nation approach to governance across departments.
  • End harmful child apprehension policies
  • Enact the calls to action in the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
  • Enact the calls to justice in the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two
  • Spirit + final report (MMIWG2S+) including searching the Brady and Prairie Green Landfills
  • Implement provincial legislation to adopt and uphold the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in all policy-making

Organizations with more information

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
MMIWG2S+ action plan
Wa Ni Ska Tan:

Minister(s) Responsible

Minister of Indigenous Reconciliation and Northern Relations